Combating Weaknesses
and Self Improvement
To ensure I’m able to achieve my aspirations, I will actively provide a critical analysis of myself and my work consistently, to address weak points and potential areas of future improvement. Doing so will enable me to minimize the impact of these weak areas or help to eliminate these undesirable attributes altogether, making me a much more viable candidate for the industry.
As it stands, one of my weak points I have become self-aware of tends to be a poor judgement of proper time management, as with many people I often struggle to adhere to my own self set deadlines during projects, which can build up to an eventuality of having to overwork towards the final stages of development. It is essential that I eliminate this issue to ensure the resulting quality of my work goes unhindered, along with not being a potential nuisance to colleagues within a development team.
In contrast, I know I’ll be able to overcome the weaker aspects of myself with time due to my driven and ambitious nature. Being in a field of study which I find to be incredibly interesting and engaging, along with following all of the steady progress in technologies surrounding 3D modelling, is convincing enough of a reason for me to strive to be the best technical artist I can become. I have a wide range of general base knowlage, spanning across many fields of my own interest. This is usually able to be implimented into my work to ensure things remain authentic to thier actuality. I have always been able to grasp advanced concepts relitively quickly.
I also have many traits shared amongst perfectionists, putting time towards achieving a particular level of detail and realism.
Future Aspirations within the Industry
As made clear throughout this early prototype portfolio, I wish to be successful as a 3D modeller within the gaming industry. As I am still in the infancy of my studies, I have yet to decide on any particular divisions to direct my concentration towards. However most of my current experience lies in hard surface modelling of assets. I will continually add diversity to the range of assets I have created along with the skills required to create them.
Current Career Plan
Many high end jobs which I ultimately plan to be involved with in the long term require a decent amount of experience as a prerequisite before applying, because of this I must have an alternative plan for the immediate future after university, to gain professional workplace experience and fulfil the requirements necessary to apply for high end jobs.
If I have the time available to do so, i may opt to undertake some small scale freelancing work during my 2nd & 3rd years, particularly during summer breaks. This will provide me the opportunity of furthering my experience of asset production whilst hopefully generating a small amount of revenue for my work.
Indie Development - Own Company
As an alternative to applying for a postgraduate program, I would also consider the possibility of participating in a start-up indie development company. The university of Portsmouth offers a great opportunity, providing free office space. There are many people present in my course who would consider this as a potential option, whom i would be able to recruit for a small development group. Expenditure of the group would be kept minimal through the use of free software alternatives such as Blender, Gimp and UDK. However with the instability and poor statistical success rate of indie companies, i would consider this only as a last resort.
Future Career Plan
After acquiring several years of professional industry work, my potential job opportunities will increase exponentially. I will at this point intend on applying for job roles available at mid - large scale studios tackling large scope projects. There are several different companies I would be more than happy to have the privilege of working for, some of which I have already looked into.
Should I continue as I am with the intention of becoming an asset artist, I hope to apply for jobs such as the one shown here for Rebellion Studios based in Oxford. Rebellion are a medium scale studio which have produced some very notable titles, most well known for their "Sniper Elite" franchise. I have also recently had the opportunity of talking to one of the senior animators currently working there for extended periods of time during a week long Game Jam, which has given me a great insight into the studio.
However with the possibility that i may branch out my skillset and prioritize my ambitions to other related roles, there is potential that i may wish to apply for jobs such as this senior animation role available at Climax studios. Climax are an incredibly high profile developer, and it is my ultimate ambition to work for a company such as this. As an additional benefit of working for climax, their studios are situated within Portsmouth, where I am currently studying which provides me with the very appealing potential of local work.
With it not being out of the realm of possibility, I have looked into related international job opportunities that will become available to me in the long term. For this, I have only yet to have looked into jobs within the USA as I would deem it to be the most likely place for me to work not within the UK. There is a large majority of AAA tier game developers within the US, which makes it quite possible that I may choose to re-locate myself in order to work for them. A high level 3D artist job was found working for Arkane
studios in Texas.
Future Portfolio Improvements
Vastly increased quantity of showcased work
Diverse range of work, suited for varied applications
Emphasis on favoured/specialised work themes and style
A more effective webpage layout for displaying orgonised groups of work
Removal of Wix advertisement banner (paid wix website upgrade)
Integration of google analytics and other statistical information

Some companies such as EA offer particular opportunities designed to provide postgraduate students with professional experience to further their careers. As shown in the picture, I would be able to attend this form of work in Guilford, I would certainly consider this as a particularly viable potential route
to take immediately after university.
Example Email Application for EA University Relations
To EA University Relations,
I am interested in becoming an entry level 3D asset artist at EA in Guilford UK, as part of your university postgraduate scheme.
As of recent I have graduated from the BSc. Computer Games Technology course at the University of Portsmouth. I have also accumulated many examples of my work which you can see in my portfolio,
Whilst studying I have become knowledgeable in the use of 3DS Max, Blender, Z-Brush and Photoshop. Being a proficient worker in 3D modelling, rigging, animation, texturing UV maps, and the creation of various other maps applied to models.
You are able to access my online portfolio of work using the following link:
Additionally to this, you are able to access my CV through my portfolio and links to other work related accounts, such as my LinkedIn profile.
As an ambitious and newly graduated artist, it would be greatly appreciated if you were able to provide me with any constructive criticism regarding my application, thank you in advance.
With kind regards,
Brandon Barnwell - 3D Modeller