3D Models
As of yet, portfolio worthy content is in short supply. This will be increased exponentially.

The final render of my untextured Flugabwehrkanonenpanzer Gepard, set in a basic scene.

The final render of my untextured Flugabwehrkanonenpanzer Gepard, set in a basic scene.
Foundation in 3D Modeling Unit
Foundation in 3D modeling modeling was a unit where we were tasked with choosing an artifact to model of a real world man-made object. The model was to be a high poly remake to provide us an opertunity to showcase our technical ability in achieving
a realistic finish. Due to my prior experiance with blender, i opted to challenge myself and recreate the German 1960's-1970's Flakpanzer Gepard. As the artifact was to
be judged purely as a model, it itself is untextured, however i plan to create a high resolution texture over summer.
This unit was a great experiance for me, it was the first time in which i had used 3DS Max to a considerable extent. Durring this time i familiarized myself with fellow students who were at a similar technical level as myself, and 2nd/3rd year students who realised my potential as a great modeler. Overall i leant a great deal in this brief period.

A dog skull to feature as the head of the antagonist of the MalO Ver 1.0.0 TDemo game.

A dog skull to feature as the head of the antagonist of the MalO Ver 1.0.0 TDemo game.
Technical Game Demo Unit
The technical game demo, abreviated to TDemo, was a unit where people of the course were picked at random and assigned into groups of 5. Tasked with creating a demo worthy game within a 20 week time span, in actuallity our team was reduced to 3 people. I was designated as the lead 3D Artist, given the role of creating and texturing all assets for the game within the alloted time frame. Our team opted to create an atmospheric puzzle horror game bassed on a creature from the popular SCP wiki.

This model was made using Blender, before joining university. It was made as an entry into a 120mm custom fan grill design competition, for a Groom Lake Themed PC case modification. Hosted by MNPCTech via The Mod Zoo forums. My design was featured in an upcoming MNPCTech video where it won joint 3rd.

This model was made using Blender, before joining university. It was made as an entry into a 120mm custom fan grill design competition, for a Groom Lake Themed PC case modification. Hosted by MNPCTech via The Mod Zoo forums. My design was featured in an upcoming MNPCTech video where it won joint 3rd.

This model was made using Blender, before joining university. It was made as an entry into a 120mm custom fan grill design competition, for a Groom Lake Themed PC case modification. Hosted by MNPCTech via The Mod Zoo forums. My design was featured in an upcoming MNPCTech video where it won joint 3rd.

This model was made using Blender, before joining university. It was made as an entry into a 120mm custom fan grill design competition, for a Groom Lake Themed PC case modification. Hosted by MNPCTech via The Mod Zoo forums. My design was featured in an upcoming MNPCTech video where it won joint 3rd.
Miscelanious Projects
Here is a showcase of some of the models i have created in my spare time, not related to any major projects in particular. Much of this content is hobbyist level work before joining university when i knew much less. It represents a high level of progression in my technical skill and knowlege, over the short time of me learning about modeling in a professional enviroment.